Learning how to sketch fashion croquis can be time consuming. First you have to draw everything perfectly; the head, the arms, body, legs, feet, hands, and even the face take time and dedicated practice to learn how to do correctly. And even though you might get close, as a fashion designer, you’re probably really picky and this makes it hard to settle for a mediocre drawing! The good news is that there are so many ways to get great croquis, you don’t have to work hard at drawing these if you want to.
When you start to learn how to draw croquis, the first thing to remember is that fashion croquis don’t look like regular people. Simply put, this means even if you draw the perfect proportions on the sketch, it still won’t be correct. This is because for fashion sketching, the long and lean figure looks more appealing. The measurement standard is 9 heads, meaning that the figure is the height of about 9 heads tall. Some even use a newer standard of 10 heads.
If you want to actually learn how to sketch fashion croquis by hand, there is a great book called “9 Heads” that you can get and it goes very in-depth about what exactly 9 heads means and how it relates to the real human body. But going about things in this way will lead you down a good but very long road as you become proficient in your new skill. On top of that you still need to get the “9 Heads” book to be able to get the in-depth understanding you need, which will cost you money. If you’re looking for a free option check out the internet.
The internet is a great place to learn how to sketch fashion illustrations because it gives you the flexibility and depth of a giant library. There are so many different places to get fashion croquis, from university websites to some designers who showcase their croquis freely. You can print these croquis and save them for quick sketching later on. But, alas, you can run into a couple problems using croquis from any place on the internet.
If you want to know how to sketch fashion croquis quickly and easily without all the problems, find some places that advertise free croquis. Looking for these types of fashion croquis specifically can keep you out of trouble just in case someone has copyrighted their work. For free fashion croquis and other essential fashion design information, check out the resource box.